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Atharva Brands

Ajna Chakra - Concentration and Intuition - Ramakrishnananda Resin Incense


Ajna Chakra - Concentration and Intuition - Ramakrishnananda Resin Incense

0.25 LBS

Product Description

Pure jasmine essential oil is blended with natural resin incense, herbs, spices and various other essential oils. It is designed in accordance to ancient wisdom to open the third eye and balance the Aja chakra. Continued use of this resin incense assists in balancing and opening the chakra, and promotes a balanced personality, the ability to concentrate, intuition and spiritual vision. The Aja Chakra, the sixth energetic center, is situated in the space between the eyebrows. It is highly regarded as the third eye, or the eye of Lord Shiva. It is the center that connects us to the mind element. Prabhuji explains that when this chakra functions well, it is expressed in the ability to concentrate, a balance between the poles of the personality, consciousness of the soul, personal knowledge, intuition, spiritual experiences, thinking power, and a markedly strong will power. On the physical level it manifests as balance in the paired organs, such as the ears, eyes, and kidneys.

  • Used for purification and religiouse purposes
  • Blended with natural herbs, spices and pure Jasmine essential oil
  • Creates wonderful aroma at your home or buisness
  • Burn in a fire-proof bowl away from flammable items

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